Now Accepting Proposals for Paquette Gallery Exhibitions
Exhibit Timeline: The SteamPlant seeks proposals for exhibitions in the Paquette Gallery for 2022 beginning in March

Media: Visual Art
Entry Requirements: Open to all local artists. This gallery celebrates a wide range of visual artwork, particularly wall art. The work can range in size and medium but work that is displayed well on walls should be considered.
Image File Specifications: Images of your work should be emailed or saved on a CD in JPEG format with 300 dpi resolution.
Selection Committee: SteamPlant staff.
Notification to artist: E-mail
Delivery: Artist is responsible for delivery, installation, and take down of all artwork.
Application: Please download and complete the Paquette Gallery Application by clicking here. Open in Adobe Acrobat to fill out and edit the form on your computer.
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