It's Important and Needs to Happen Now!
Take the survey and let us receive your perspective on the next step in this exciting initiative! Survey closes on March 2

The City of Salida and the Salida Creative District are wrapping up the Arts Market Survey next week and hope that we have heard from many of the area's artists, arts organizations, and creative businesses. If you, or someone you know, are engaged in creative pursuits and consider that work to be a form of art, craft, a cultural or creative expression or heritage preservation, then ideally you are who we want to hear from to determine live/work space needs in Salida! If you take just 10 minutes to follow the link below for an overview and the survey, it would go a long way in keeping the momentum going around this Space to Create initiative. Already completed the survey? That’s great, and thank you. If you can think of others whose voice should be heard, then please forward the link onto other creatives/artists, even those who may have left Salida for various reasons. Learn more >>